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Hello Again (1987)

Hello Again (1987)

Shelley LongJudith IveyGabriel ByrneCorbin Bernsen
Frank Perry


Hello Again (1987) is a English movie. Frank Perry has directed this movie. Shelley Long,Judith Ivey,Gabriel Byrne,Corbin Bernsen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1987. Hello Again (1987) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

A suburban housewife chokes to death and is brought back to life by a spell cast by her wacky sister.

Hello Again (1987) Reviews

  • I Loved This Movie and No One Can Stop Me!


    There is a lot in this movie that is fun to watch, fresh, charming, original and could not have been made with any other cast. Shelley Long won me over with this film. I was never a big Cheers fan but this made me wake up and take notice of her. She has been underutilized in Hollywood because she isn't outrageous...but that's everyone's loss. Judith Ivey is another great talent with which Hollywood has no idea what to do. Her charm and kookiness in this film lets her shine. The rest of the cast has a great deal of chemistry and is cast well for their broad characteristics. Please don't listen to others - - there are hundreds of other movies that deserve to be reviled and vilified more than this. Sure it's predictable -- How many movies aren't??? The concept is enjoyable and I predict that some bimbo-star of the future will remake this and it will be fabulously popular. People will flock to see it just because of the bimbo and then finally THIS movie will have had its vindication and will be eulogized -- pardon the pun. Just see it. It's fun.

  • Great Movie


    Hello Again's best characters are Shelley Long and the actress who plays her sister. It offers an unique storyline that isn't beat to death in the movies. The film also provides an array of kooky characters,such as Shelley Long's sister, daugther-in-law, and brother-in-law. As usual Shelley's physical comedy makes you chuckle, even if it is more subtle in this flick. The comedy is off-sets by watching Shelley's struggle through this particular predicament, and although at times you empathisize with her, the movie never brings you down. It generally makes you chuckle and provides a feel-good atmosphere. The combination makes this one of my favorite comedy's of its era. It's a must see.

  • Not the best; but, one of the most entertaining.


    Shelly Long has proved herself to be very versatile in comedy. While this is not a complicated movie -- nor one of the best acted, it is one of the best acted that Shelly Long has done. The story is simple, but one that I'm sure most people have dreamed about. "What would happen to my family if I no longer 'existed'." A perfect world is not available in life -- or death, but on the screen it works. Even though it won no awards for acting, I find that it is one of the most entertaining movies I have seen -- one that needs to be added to a personal library, along with one of Shelly Long's funniest movies to be seen: Troop Beverly Hills.

  • i loved it so much


    i love this film it totally brings me back to being 10 again, it was just wacky enough to hold my attention, fair enough it doesn't match up to todays standard of movie but its a heart warming story that i love to watch again and again. Shelly plays the total scatter brain that i expect of her and her sister Zelda soon enough becomes the voice of reason. Danny plays the ever doting son and i have to say was a hunk in the 80s for me. i totally recommend this film to anyone with a weird sense of humour, for goodness sake she chokes on a chicken ball. My favourite part is at the end when she pretends to be possessed and talks about the cowboy boots that cracked me up, watch you'll see what i mean. Its a classic family film that you'll really enjoy.

  • A light-hearted romantic comedy!


    Hello Again isn't getting the recognition it deserves.It's a funny relaxing movie that does indeed leave you sighing with contentment.It always does for me. It's about a housewife, Lucy Chadman married to an upscale doctor and is unhappy with her present career and comes to an untimely end while eating a south korean chicken ball. Her wacky sister Zelda dabbles in magic and manages to bring her back to life. Now Lucy must piece back her life with help from her handsome doctor and find true love within the next full moon or she has to go back. The movie is memorable because of the quirky story , Gabriel Byrne's admiring eyes for Lucy and the nonstop comedy. Don't listen to most of the reviews, this movie is definitely worth watching! my rating: 10/10!


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