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Eleutheran Adventure (2006)

Eleutheran Adventure (2006)

Kareem Mortimer


Eleutheran Adventure (2006) is a English movie. Kareem Mortimer has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. Eleutheran Adventure (2006) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

A documentary film that involves Kareem Mortimer and cameraman Kevin Taylor hitchhiking from Spanish Wells to the Southernmost point on the island of Eleuthera with only $150 in hand.

Eleutheran Adventure (2006) Reviews

  • Nice Little Adventure, But Not Worth A Documentary


    Okay, I guess I will be giving spoilers below, but there is no surprise at the end, so not really. From the basic description of "hitchhike from North Eleuthera, Bahamas to the Southern End with only $150," you would expect a plot line of how two people hitchhiked the 110 miles of Eleuthera and how they wisely spent only $150 to make it happen, but that is not what you will see in this movie. Hitchhiking and money have nothing to do with this movie. A) there is zero hitchhiking. :mindblown: None. The main characters have available and drive a SUV the whole trip. SUVs (commonly called Jeeps by the locals) in Eleuthera run usually $70-80 a day to rent and gas is $6+ a gallon on the island, so there goes the $150 thing pretty quickly. B) the $150 is brought up early in the movie as what the main character set out with, but how it was spent or how any more was gained, or really anything to do with money is not mentioned throughout the entire rest of the film. They have a Suzuki rental and seem to eat and sleep regularly, so not sure how they got all this with only $150, and none of it is explained in the film. It is a nice film with shots of the beautiful island, and some nice interviews with many of the locals, but you can basically get all of that with user submitted vids on YouTube. Maybe in 2006 when this came out, such other information wasn't out there, but 10 years later, there really isn't any real reason to watch this movie. There is a lot more information and videos out there for the public to view for free.


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