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The Paddy Lincoln Gang (2014)

The Paddy Lincoln Gang (2014)

Dean JaggerJoseph DiMassoRichard WagnerDemetri Watkins
Ben Jagger


The Paddy Lincoln Gang (2014) is a English movie. Ben Jagger has directed this movie. Dean Jagger,Joseph DiMasso,Richard Wagner,Demetri Watkins are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. The Paddy Lincoln Gang (2014) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

For Rob McAlister, life is good. In fact, life is great. His rock band, The Paddy Lincoln Gang band have a hugely anticipated album on the verge of release by a major record label, they are back from a US tour to play in their home town and Rob has a stunning girlfriend, Leyla. But, within Rob's mind, a demon smoulders. A dark side, a malice from his mysterious past in Dublin, Ireland. A controlling and violently jealous alter-ego, both terrible and barely contained in a nightmarish basement within his imagination - Paddy Lincoln. At their triumphant homecoming concert at the legendary Molly Malones venue, The Paddy Lincoln Gang are on fire. The record label hosts an after-party for the band but, despite a stern warning from their Manager, the band's jokers, Rick and Ed take their misbehaviour to outrageous new lows. In a heated meeting with their Manager, Rob and Tom find themselves caught between loyalty to their friends and their own burning ambition. Rob is also having problems ...


Same Director

The Paddy Lincoln Gang (2014) Reviews

  • Love Love Love!


    This was an excellent independent film. Great chemistry between leading actor Dean Jagger and actress Amy Lawhorn. I also loved Jagger's expression of the internal struggle of his character. Well directed and a true glimpse at what it's like to be a band on the rise in the Los Angeles music scene. The ensemble characters of the band were well defined and you couldn't help but root for them. It's hard to believe it was shot in such a short time both in Europe and the U.S. It has the look of a much bigger budget project. It's no wonder it keeps taking home awards at festival! I was lucky to be able to catch this when it came to the SoCal Film Festival. It won for Best in Fest as well as for Lead Female and Lead Male. Wishing them best of luck in the future. I am sure we will see more from this cast and director.


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